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How to Talk to Aging Parents About Their Finances Thumbnail

How to Talk to Aging Parents About Their Finances

As our parents age, we often find ourselves stepping into new roles. One of the most challenging and sensitive discussions to have is about their finances. While uncomfortable, this conversation is crucial for ensuring their well-being and making informed decisions. Here, we’ll explore why this conversation is important and how you can approach it with empathy and respect.

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Watch Out For These Latest Information-Stealing Scams Thumbnail

Watch Out For These Latest Information-Stealing Scams

When it comes to information-stealing scams, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that we are getting scammed less. According to Motley Fool, there were 1.036 million reports of identity theft in 2023, down from 1.107 million in 2022 and 1.4 million in 2021.1 The bad news is that scammers are becoming more sophisticated, so we have to stay diligent about protecting our personal information.

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September is National College Savings Month Thumbnail

September is National College Savings Month

The leaves are changing, the weather is cooling down, and football is finally back—there’s always a lot happening in fall. But wait, there’s more! September is also National College Savings Month, a time to celebrate the power of investing in education and securing a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.

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Why Many Americans Retire Earlier Than Planned Thumbnail

Why Many Americans Retire Earlier Than Planned

For some, diligent saving and wise investments may provide the financial security to retire early. A significant reason for people to opt for early retirement is that they experience health-related issues. Let’s examine why many Americans retire earlier than planned and explain some of the benefits (and considerations) of retiring early.

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The Triple Tax Benefits of HSAs Thumbnail

The Triple Tax Benefits of HSAs

HSAs offer you three potential opportunities for tax savings. Your account contributions are tax free (that is, tax deductible), the earnings in your account grow tax free, and you can withdraw funds from your HSA, tax free, so long as they are used to pay for qualified health care expenses, such as deductibles, co-payments, and hospitalization costs. (HSA funds may not be used to pay health insurance premiums.)

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